Monday, September 6, 2010

Where the heck have I been?

I'm back... did you miss me? I have neglected my blog for far too long. I have had many thoughts and observations over the past few months that would have made for great reading had they processed themselves out into writing, but alas... there was fun to be had and diapers to be changed. Fear not, however, for school is back in session and I'm back with the program.

Here's something I wish to discuss with everyone. The Amish.

Now, I know I can talk very candidly here because 1) there aren't any Amish reading this and 2) if there are, well, you're not a very good Amish now are you?
I am fascinated with the Amish. I'm not going to lie here... they are an absolute novelty in my view. They live life as purely and simply as they possibly can. No cars. No electricity. No zippers for crying out loud!! For most of us, that last one would be enough to put us over the edge.
I am writing this in light of a recent encounter with the Amish. I was about to embark on my first kayaking trip. We were unloading our kayaks into the river when a strange *clomp**clomp* came up behind us. And what to my wandering eye should appear??? A horse-drawn buggy FULL of Amish!!! I have always heard that Amish will not communicate with "outsiders", but clearly these guys were a bit on the liberal side. They pulled up and began conversing. The best I could get out was some goofy-sounding squeak as I was too awe-struck to even talk. I had so many questions. I had s many, MANY questions. But all I could do was listen with child-like wonder while my father in law discussed river depths with the bearded gentleman.
I never did get a question in. I did, however, notice one thing as they pulled away to continue on their way home. Tucked under the seat of the plainly-dressed Amish man driving the horse and buggy was a half-empty bottle of Mt. Dew. Wow. I never knew we had so much in common.
Now, if you'll excuse me, all this blogging seems to have exhausted me. I'm going to go turn off the air condition, sit in a dark room with my carbonated beverage and pretend to be Amish for awhile.... or at least until Maury comes on.

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