I am determined to teach my son infant sign language. Of course, I want him to learn to talk in full, eloquent sentences, but in the meantime, we are going to have to communicate better than a point and a grunt. Cavemen pointed and grunted. At least if my son is waving his hands around, he will have the appearance of better intelligence than a primitive neanderthal.
I have no real rhyme or reason for wanting to teach him this. I'm not one of these moms that buys into every program that comes along. I don't agree with the philosophy behind "Your Baby Can Read". Excuse me. I went to college for four years to teach children how to read, and never in that four years did I take a class on forcing children to watch DVDs and read flashcards in front of a camera. And I wouldn't but it even if it did work because that goofy graphic with the child's transparent head revealing his brain is just too weird. But.... I digress.
I have read where signing before speaking can enhance a child's language abilities. Need I say more? My child will be quoting Shakespear in no time. And in the meantime, it gives up something to do. I may be the only one who totally gets what that weird clap and finger wiggling means, but every mom and child has their own special bond, right?
I am in the process of teaching my son some basic signs. So far, we have mastered "ball." Great. At least he will have something to communicate when he feels the need for some recreational activity. We are also working on "thank you", but in true male form, that one does not seem to be sticking.
My husband AND my parents think I'm crazy for doing all this, and maybe I am. All I know is, when your sixteen month old and my sixteen month old are together in the gym, mine will be able to get the ball passed to him long before yours will. :)
I use sign with a lot of my speech clients! It is a great way to help them learn do something (besides screaming/biting/throwing a fit)= get something. You might also try "more" and "all done." Those are easy signs that little ones are pretty motivated to do. Btw, ball is Gray's favorite word around here...I hear it 30+ times/day!