My son, in his 16 months of life, has taught me a great deal about what really makes the world go 'round. There is nothing like watching a child discovering the world for the first time to make you stop and realize what is really and truly awesome. Here are a few wonders that I have rediscovered through the explorations of my little man...
1)Grass. It's everywhere. It's great wet. It's great dry. It smells good. I mean, what is there not to love about fresh, green summer grass. Of course, this is not a drug reference, less you be dialing DHS... I am talking about that lovely green stuff that grows in your front and back yard. My son loves that stuff! He likes to pick it and throw it in the air. He loves to roll in it. (This is a hobby he shares with our family dog.) The ultimate experience with this wonderous pleasure of life is when you are barefoot. Oh man..... awesome.
2)Cookies. In our adult world, we are so obsessed with calories, carbs, and high fructose corn syrup that we have long forgotten the great pleasure of cookies. My son, however.... he doesn't care about any of that aforementioned goop. He just gets him a big ol' bite and says "mmmmmm....".
3)Straws. You suck, the liquid comes up and quinches your thirst. You blow, and cool bubbles form in your drink. What's not to love??
4)Overhead Lights. We cannot walk into Walmart without my son immediately looking up, pointing, and giving a long and awe-inspired "Ooooohhhh!!" He is fascinated by those lights!! It's so sad how we take for granted the lights that allow us to live our day to day lives. But you know, it's not easy to grocery shop in the dark, now is it??
There are so many, many things that I have come to see through different eyes as I watch my son grow and explore his world, but all this blogging is taking away valuable time I could be out enjoying the world with him. So if you don't mind, I'm going to take off my shoes, grab a cookie, and walk around my yard awhile!