Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mom Moments I

We all have them, ladies. Mom's are generally harmless creatures: we nuture, we provide, we protect. But, we all have those moments when we do things and either after, or often during, we think WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING!! While on my way from home today, I ended up behind a vehicle driving painfully slow. I'm all for safe driving, but this was beyond my level of patience. I went to pass, convinced that I would see one of two people behind the wheel: a terrified first timer, or a bewildered old timer. What I saw instead... and I must share this so as not to be alone in my trauma... was a woman BREASTFEEDING! While driving, people!! Now, I'll be the first to admit that more often than is comfortable to admit, I act before thinking. And, I've been in the car with a screaming, hungry infant, but never...NEVER... have I felt to take the concept of multi-tasking to that extreme. It would not have been so bad, except for this was not the first sighting of this nursing neanderthol. I have actually passed this woman, in this same situation, once before! I suppose those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Well, I for one took note. Moral of the story: If you're going to breastfeed while driving, make sure you can drive the speed limit while you do it. Otherwise, I might rear-end you while applying my make-up and sending a text.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I am speechless. That is disturbing AND dangerous! Oh...and I see you are blogging regularly now! Making me want to post something again...since it's been almost a year since I wrote anything on it! HA! You go, Cooper!
